
Don't forgot about our ongoing art fundraiser! Mrs. Danyluk continues to add new art work to your child's Artsonia accounts. We currently have 42% families logged in and have raised $344 for the art department this year. This fundraiser will remain open all year so be sure to check back in often to view new art pieces. Our goal is raise $800 by the end of the school year to help Mrs. Danyluk purchase supplies for our students.
Reminder that all ATP requirements are to be completed by May 31, 2025 in order to receive your full ATP credit.
Race for Education spreadsheets were sent via email on Thursday, 2/6/25. Please be sure to review and update your spreadsheet and email scartwright@saintandrewschool.org once complete. We encourage all families to participate in this as there are many individual, class, and family prizes to be won!
As most of you are aware, our morning carline is causing a backup on to Broad and Main Streets each day. We have been collaborating with local law enforcement to brainstorm some remedies to the situation. Beginning on Monday, March 10, we ask that everyone arriving to school prior to 8:15 AM, to make a double line up to the music room doors. This will allow more cars into the parking lot at one time before Ms. Cartwright begins drop off duty at 8:15 AM. We ask that you kindly share this information with any family member or friend that assists with dropping your children off at school. We appreciate your time and attention to this matter.
2025-2026 Enrollment is OPEN! Please log into your STS account and complete the enrollment process. We are asking for enrollments to be completed by April 15, 2025.
2025-2026 tuition rates are available in the Enrollment Information packet located in the "Important Weekly Papers" above.
Financial Assessment applications are no longer open and were all due by March 1st in order to receive the Good Faith Credit. No exceptions can be made to this deadline.
All families will be billed the annual non-refundable $100 registration fee. If you do not intend to return for the 2025-26 school year email Mrs. Cartwright at scartwright@saintandrewschool.org no later than March 15, 2025.
Please contact Mrs. Cartwright with any questions related to enrollment, tuition, financial assessment/aid, scholarships, EITC contributions, etc.
Discounted Hershey Park tickets are available again through our parish. See the Important Weekly Papers for the order form.
Join us for our next virtual HSO meeting on March 11 at 6:15 PM. On the agenda is Trivia Night recap, sub sale, and Easter celebrations.
As we begin the new year, we are aware that this winter may bring more wet weather than usual. With this in mind, we want to inform you about our updated Inclement Weather Learning Plan, based on recent guidance from the Diocese, aimed at minimizing the impact of weather-related closures on our school year.
Inclement Weather Days and Make-Up Plan
As we’ve outlined previously, our first three inclement weather days will be made up according to the dates listed on the school calendar. We’ve already used our three inclement weather days this year, and these will be made up on the following dates:
February 17
March 17
April 17
Asynchronous Virtual Learning Days
Now that we have used our three built-in make-up days, any subsequent weather-related closures will be considered Asynchronous Virtual Learning Days. On these days, teachers will post assignments on Google Classroom or send home learning packets. These assignments will continue the regular classroom learning. Additionally, teachers will hold virtual office hours from 10:00-11:00 AM on Google Classroom/Meet, where students can ask questions or seek clarification about their work.
Students will have two calendar days to complete and submit their assignments to demonstrate attendance for that school day.
Flexible Instructional Days (FID)
Our Flexible Instructional Days (FID) will now be reserved for emergencies that prevent our students from being able to attend school in person (e.g., fire, flood, power outage). On FID days, students will receive a grid of enrichment activities that can be completed at home. These activities are not intended to continue regular classroom learning but will focus on expanding students' skills and interests. Teachers will be available via email to answer any questions related to the FID activities. FID activities will be due within two calendar days to demonstrate attendance for that school day. We may use up to three Flexible Instructional Days per school year.
We hope this plan provides clarity on how we will handle weather-related closures and ensures that learning continues seamlessly, regardless of the weather. As always, we appreciate your support and understanding as we navigate these challenges together.
We have 3 jackets in the office that have not been claimed for several
months. If any of these items belong to you stop by the school office to
pick them up.
We are excited to Celebrate Catholic Education on Saturday, March 8 at 4 PM. Doors open one hour prior.
Below are the necessary instructions for your school community to attend our Men’s Basketball game on March 8 at 4 PM.
Please note that all attendees must have a ticket, as tickets will be scanned upon arrival to the arena. Below are the detailed steps to access the tickets for your group:
Visit the following link: https://themount.hometownticketing.com/embed/all
Choose the March 8th Men’s Basketball game vs. Marist.
Click "Get Tickets."
In the bottom left corner, click "Have a passcode?" and enter the code SAW. This will unlock the group rate of $5 per ticket for all students, faculty/staff, parents, and family members.
Please ensure that all attendees have a ticket to be scanned upon entry to the arena. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. We look forward to hosting your group at the game!
See flyer for details in the Important Weekly Papers folder.
We are looking to have Race for Education t-shirts for all students to wear for Race day again this year.
Please complete this short form in order for us to ensure the proper t-shirt size is ordered for each child. You may complete one form for all children in your family that are students at SACS. Responses are due by March 15th.
Our SCRIP Scholarship is open to all school families with students in grades K-8. SCRIP scholarship funds are awarded to every family who completes the form below and all funds are applied to your current tuition balance. If you do not have a tuition balance due you may not apply for this round of awards. Application deadline is March 15, 2025.
We have a few openings for the 24-25 school year. Please help us spread the word. Applicants may apply by scanning the QR code on the flyer.
Middle School ELA Teacher (Long-Term Substitute): Immediate Opening
Spanish Teacher PK-8 (Part-Time): Immediate Opening
Yearbooks are on sale! Don't miss your chance to remember the fun things that happen throughout the year. This year all orders must be completed online prior to March 3rd to receive the discounted price of $17. All orders placed after March 3rd will be charged an additional fee. Flyers went home with a QR code to place your order. You can also scan the QR code on the poster in the parking lot or you may purchase via the link below.
Read Across America Week PK-5 (see flyer for daily themes)
School Mass 9:30 AM
End of 2nd Trimester
Band 3:30 PM
HSO Mtg 6:15 PM
Choir 3:30 PM
Early Dismissal 12:30 PM
Report Cards
BOE Mtg 7:00 PM
No School for Students
Incoming kindergarten screenings
School In Session
St. Patrick's Day- Wear Green
Band 3:30 PM
Middle School Bucks Reward- Gym Games
Choir 3:30 PM
Clubs 3:30 PM
School Mass 9:30 AM
Feb Disciples of the Month
Band 3:30 PM
Choir 3:30 PM
School-Wide Dress Down Day ($1 Donation to the Humane Society)
Stations of the Cross TBA
Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Closed when school is closed
We are a paperless school. All important papers and announcements are linked in a shared Google folder. To view, simply click this link and it will direct you to our important weekly papers.