
Bus transportation is provided to those students who live in the Waynesboro, Chambersburg, Greencastle, and Fairfield School Districts.
If you wish to take advantage of bus services, you must make arrangements with the district transportation directors.
Contact information:
Waynesboro- 717-762-1191
Chambersburg- 717-263-9281
Greencastle- 717-597-3226
Fairfield- 717-642-8228

Students who ride on school buses are expected to follow the following rules established by the local school districts and the bus drivers who serve Saint Andrew School. After sufficient warning and notification of parents, those who fail to follow these rules will forfeit bus privileges for a period of time. These regulations are to be followed by each student riding a bus to or from Saint Andrew School.
1. Desirable classroom behavior is expected on buses. Smoking, eating, profanity, and excessively loud talking are not permitted.
2. Students will remain seated while the bus is in motion.
3. Bus drivers are entitled to the same respect as teachers. Students are expected to cooperate and obey their driver’s instructions.
4. The school office and parents must grant written permission for students to depart from the bus at other than the student’s regular stop.
5. Students are not permitted to change from the assigned school bus - except in an emergency situation, for which a note from parents and signed by the school principal is required.
6. Bus drivers will report rule infractions.
7. Failure to cooperate will result in the loss of the student’s riding privilege in addition to disciplinary action.
a. First offense - Parents are notified, warning of possible bus suspension
b. Second offense - Pupil is suspended from the bus from one day to a maximum of five days
c. Third offense - Pupil is suspended from the bus for the remainder of the school year