

Core Curriculum
St Andrew School follows the Harrisburg Diocesan Elementary Curriculum. All curriculum policies and procedures are established by the Office of Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Harrisburg and are voluntarily consistent with the requirements of the National Common Core Standards. To review the Diocesan Elementary Curriculum in detail, please click here.
In addition to a curriculum that meets both PA Department of Education and Diocesan requirements, this program offers instruction that includes learning experiences which effectively promote the physical, mental, social, emotional, and aesthetic development of preschool age children. The school also offers Art, Music, Library, Computer, and Physical Education.
Our Tiny Knights Learning Program focuses on developmentally appropriate practices to meet the social, emotional, physical, cognitive and spiritual needs of each child. Active learning experiences using all senses take place during teacher led and center based independent learning activities.
St. Andrew Catholic School and the Tiny Knights Learning Program provide a positive, faith-filled environment where your child feels safe and accepted. Our program focuses on fine motor skills, gross motor skills, kindergarten readiness, social skills and language being cultivated through interactions with teachers, students and materials.
The Tiny Knights classroom has a class limit of 16 students, with one Full-Time Teacher and 1 Full-Time Teacher Assistant.