
2023-2024 Annual Fund
Gifts made each year through the Annual Fund provide 17 percent of the school’s operating budget, which gives our school community access to critical resources. Capital and endowment gifts provide long-term strength and ensure that our students receive the full benefit of a SACS experience. Our Goal for this year is to raise funds to replace the flooring in our older sections of the building in preparation of our 100th Anniversary in 2025.

We call our levels of giving The Casting Net.
St. Andrew the Apostle, younger brother to Simon Peter, was a fisherman – we love to honor him in this way.
The Casting Net Levels of Giving
Gifts to the Annual Fund are combined with tuition dollars and applied across the school’s operating budget to fully fund the highest priority needs throughout the campus. Gifts to the Tuition Angel and Library Gift Funds directly impact the their earmarked categories. All gifts to The Casting Net are tax-deductible – tuition is not. Donations range from $5 to $5,000 – with $30 being the average.
The Fr. William Callaghan Society
The Fr. William Callaghan Society is a leadership donor group that provides essential philanthropic support to SACS. Members of the Fr. William Callaghan Society contribute 90% of Annual Fund dollars every year. Their generosity ensures St. Andrew’s place as one of the top independent, private schools in the region.
St. Andrew’s Circle Member – $1925+ annual
President’s Circle – $750-1924 annual
Benefactor – $500-749 annual
Patron – $250 annual, from 5th year after HS graduation until 10th year
Member – $100 annual, from SACS graduation until 5th year after HS